The government has made it clear, and the automobile industry is responding: the electric car is the way of the future. Is that, however, also your present? We can assist you in answering this question.

Brands continue to promote large-scale electrification initiatives while flooding the market with new electric cars that we can already buy. And the current state of the electric car industry has nothing to do with what it was ten years ago. This means that, while electric car sales are still low compared to traditional combustion engine car sales in most parts of the world, this segment did better last year than many others.

No question integrating electric cars into everyday lives faces significant challenges. Prices in Europe, for example, have not only not decreased, but have increased in the last ten years. Furthermore, dependable recharging outlets are still tricky to come by in many sections of our country's geography, forcing us to ask ourselves some important concerns before purchasing or using a vehicle with these features.

Is it the right moment for you to invest in an electric vehicle? Join us in answering this question.

1. How significant is the effect of cars on the environment for you?

The first thing you should ask yourself is how essential it is to reduce pollution emissions actively. It will help if you let go of the notion that an electric automobile does not pollute since, while it does not pollute when driving, it does emit hazardous pollutants during production.

However, cities would be far more pleasant if all vehicles were electric because everything that now comes out of an average car's exhaust pipe would vanish.

And, depending on how we charge our vehicle, the worldwide emissions comparison between an electric and a thermal vehicle clearly favors the former. Do you want to learn more about this subject? Take a look at the article we just published about it.

So, if you're concerned about the environment, an electric automobile is definitely your best option for transportation. You must, however, avoid additional traps.

2. Where are you going to have your electric car recharged?

This is an important question to answer if you want to get the most out of an electric vehicle. The best solution is to have a recharging station in your home, so you can do this every night and avoid paying high energy rates and using techniques that are more detrimental to batteries in the long term, such as rapid and ultra-quick charging.

Another alternative is to recharge at work or find trustworthy spots near your typical travel destinations. Still, you will have no control over their availability, status, price, or source of energy ( which on an environmental level makes a huge difference).

Can you, in a nutshell, build an electric car charging station in your home? If you answered yes, you would be an electric vehicle owner shortly.

3. If you had an electric automobile, what routes would you take?

A modern electric vehicle can drive on all sorts of roads and terrains, with ranges ranging from 200 to 700 kilometers depending on the model. That is, you may now take an electric automobile on vacation or a weekend trip.

However, the infrastructure that must accompany the usage of an electric car, namely a network of charging stations, is far from adequate. The fact is that if you plan your trip effectively, you'll be able to find enough recharging sites to finish it. Still, some may not work properly or will make you wait a long time to restart your journey owing to the limited charging power available.

Even today, the electric car is excellent for city driving and everyday trips of between 100 and 200 kilometers. We are getting to and from work, visiting other places in our province, and so on. Anything that leaves there frequently causes issues and, more importantly, results in a complete lack of productivity and efficient use of time.

Also, remember that autonomy changes significantly depending on how we use the car, such as how we drive, whether we use the air conditioning or the lights, etc. Therefore, it's usually a good idea to provide plenty of room for error when organizing our vacations.

This is true in terms of distances, but it's also worth remembering that electric vehicles don't have to pay for parking (or pay very little in foreign residential areas), and they don't have to adhere to traffic restrictions in places that already have them.

4. Is it truly less expensive than an internal combustion car?

This question was partially answered at the start of the post. You will definitely pay less to acquire the energy required to move the electric car if you charge at home with a tailored tariff. Now, if you do it at other places, utilize rapid charges, and so on, your profitability will be considerably diminished, if not eliminated.

Another concern is the additional cost of owning an electric vehicle. Remember that throughout Europe, average prices have not only not dropped but have considerably grown over the last ten years (although it is also true that the offer of electric cars has evolved significantly spectacular).

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